ICE Tower CPU Cooling Fan for Nvidia Jetson Nano
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ICE Tower CPU Cooling Fan for Nvidia Jetson Nano

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Recently, the ICE Tower CPU Cooling Fan for Raspberry Pi released by 52pi has been well received, and we call it the ultimate solution for cooling the Raspberry Pi 4. For another hot maker, jetson nano, 52pi launched the corresponding super cooling solution product today, that is, ICE Tower CPU Cooling Fan for Nvidia Jetson Nano.
The ICE Tower CPU Cooling Fan for Nvidia Jetson Nano is an efficient thermal solution customized for jetson nano, including two 5mm thick copper tubes, a multi-layer heat sink, and a PWM controllable high-quality fan. These powerful cooling modules combine to form a cooling performance monster. It will greatly reduce the operating temperature of the jetson nano, thus taking full advantage of the full performance potential of the jetson nano.
We tested using jetson nano to run high-intensity algorithms such as face recognition, bare running at 85 ¡æ, and the temperature was reduced to 45-47 ¡æ when this super fan was assembled.
This super fan is designed by 52Pi, 52Pi is a worlds leading Raspberry Pi accessories manufacturer, specializing in the design and production of various hats, screens, and accessories for the Raspberry Pi.

Jetson Nano is not included.

Ice Tower Structure
2 x 5mm copper tubes
PWM controllable fan
Double ball fan -- long life and low noise
Rated power 0.5W @5V, 0.1A
Mount Guide
Recently, the ICE Tower CPU Cooling Fan for Raspberry Pi released by 52pi has been well received, and we call it the ultimate solution for cooling the Raspberry Pi 4. For another hot maker, jetson nano, 52pi launched the corresponding super cooling solution product today, that is, ICE Tower CPU Cooling Fan for Nvidia Jetson Nano.
The ICE Tower CPU Cooling Fan for Nvidia Jetson Nano is an efficient thermal solution customized for jetson nano, including two 5mm thick copper tubes, a multi-layer heat sink, and a PWM controllable high-quality fan. These powerful cooling modules combine to form a cooling performance monster. It will greatly reduce the operating temperature of the jetson nano, thus taking full advantage of the full performance potential of the jetson nano.
We tested using jetson nano to run high-intensity algorithms such as face recognition, bare running at 85 ¡æ, and the temperature was reduced to 45-47 ¡æ when this super fan was assembled.
This super fan is designed by 52Pi, 52Pi is a worlds leading Raspberry Pi accessories manufacturer, specializing in the design and production of various hats, screens, and accessories for the Raspberry Pi.

Jetson Nano is not included.

Ice Tower Structure
2 x 5mm copper tubes
PWM controllable fan
Double ball fan -- long life and low noise
Rated power 0.5W @5V, 0.1A
Mount Guide


Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Morbi ut blandit risus. Donec mollis nec tellus et rutrum. Orci varius natoque penatibus et magnis dis parturient montes, nascetur ridiculus mus. Ut consequat quam a purus faucibus scelerisque. Mauris ac dui ante. Pellentesque congue porttitor tempus. Donec sodales dapibus urna sed dictum. Duis congue posuere libero, a aliquam est porta quis.

Donec ullamcorper magna enim, vitae fermentum turpis elementum quis. Interdum et malesuada fames ac ante ipsum primis in faucibus.

Curabitur vel sem mi. Proin in lobortis ipsum. Aliquam rutrum tempor ex ac rutrum. Maecenas nunc nulla, placerat at eleifend in, viverra etos sem. Nam sagittis lacus metus, dignissim blandit magna euismod eget. Suspendisse a nisl lacus. Phasellus eget augue tincidunt, sollicitudin lectus sed, convallis desto. Pellentesque vitae dui lacinia, venenatis erat sit amet, fringilla felis. Nullam maximus nisi nec mi facilisis.


Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Morbi ut blandit risus. Donec mollis nec tellus et rutrum. Orci varius natoque penatibus et magnis dis parturient montes, nascetur ridiculus mus. Ut consequat quam a purus faucibus scelerisque. Mauris ac dui ante. Pellentesque congue porttitor tempus. Donec sodales dapibus urna sed dictum. Duis congue posuere libero, a aliquam est porta quis.

Donec ullamcorper magna enim, vitae fermentum turpis elementum quis. Interdum et malesuada fames ac ante ipsum primis in faucibus.

Curabitur vel sem mi. Proin in lobortis ipsum. Aliquam rutrum tempor ex ac rutrum. Maecenas nunc nulla, placerat at eleifend in, viverra etos sem. Nam sagittis lacus metus, dignissim blandit magna euismod eget. Suspendisse a nisl lacus. Phasellus eget augue tincidunt, sollicitudin lectus sed, convallis desto. Pellentesque vitae dui lacinia, venenatis erat sit amet, fringilla felis. Nullam maximus nisi nec mi facilisis.