2014 MEGA2560 R3 Development Board for Arduino (USB cable for free)
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2014 MEGA2560 R3 Development Board for Arduino (USB cable for free)

Available: In Stock
  • Product SKU: KY_MB0071
$7.99 $11.99
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Introduction fro Arduino
Arduino is a Simple i/o platform based on the open source code and it is easy to understand and use Processing/Wiring development environment similar to Java to let you quickly make out useful works. Arduino can be used with some electronic components, like the LED lamp, buzzer, button, photosensitive resistance and so on. The interface of Arduino development environment is based on the open source code principle and it can be downloaded and used for free to develop more amazing interactive works.
Description in Feature
You can open the original designal circuit and download the interface of development software for free. You can also modify them according to your demand and the downloading program is easy and convenient. You can simply use sensors, and connect a variety of electronic components (such as: the LED lamp, buzzer, button, photosensitive resistance.), making all sorts of interesting works.
The Development interface and the environment of (ATMEGA328) are very simple and easy to understand and it is very suitable for beginners learning.
Description in Performance
Digital I/O digital input / output ports:0~13.
Analog I/O analog input / output ports:0~5.
Support ISP download function.
Input voltage: External power supply: V~9V DC voltage input. (External power supply is not need, When it connected to the computer USB
Using Atmel Atmega328 microcontroller

Introduction fro Arduino
Arduino is a Simple i/o platform based on the open source code and it is easy to understand and use Processing/Wiring development environment similar to Java to let you quickly make out useful works. Arduino can be used with some electronic components, like the LED lamp, buzzer, button, photosensitive resistance and so on. The interface of Arduino development environment is based on the open source code principle and it can be downloaded and used for free to develop more amazing interactive works.
Description in Feature
You can open the original designal circuit and download the interface of development software for free. You can also modify them according to your demand and the downloading program is easy and convenient. You can simply use sensors, and connect a variety of electronic components (such as: the LED lamp, buzzer, button, photosensitive resistance.), making all sorts of interesting works.
The Development interface and the environment of (ATMEGA328) are very simple and easy to understand and it is very suitable for beginners learning.
Description in Performance
Digital I/O digital input / output ports:0~13.
Analog I/O analog input / output ports:0~5.
Support ISP download function.
Input voltage: External power supply: V~9V DC voltage input. (External power supply is not need, When it connected to the computer USB
Using Atmel Atmega328 microcontroller


Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Morbi ut blandit risus. Donec mollis nec tellus et rutrum. Orci varius natoque penatibus et magnis dis parturient montes, nascetur ridiculus mus. Ut consequat quam a purus faucibus scelerisque. Mauris ac dui ante. Pellentesque congue porttitor tempus. Donec sodales dapibus urna sed dictum. Duis congue posuere libero, a aliquam est porta quis.

Donec ullamcorper magna enim, vitae fermentum turpis elementum quis. Interdum et malesuada fames ac ante ipsum primis in faucibus.

Curabitur vel sem mi. Proin in lobortis ipsum. Aliquam rutrum tempor ex ac rutrum. Maecenas nunc nulla, placerat at eleifend in, viverra etos sem. Nam sagittis lacus metus, dignissim blandit magna euismod eget. Suspendisse a nisl lacus. Phasellus eget augue tincidunt, sollicitudin lectus sed, convallis desto. Pellentesque vitae dui lacinia, venenatis erat sit amet, fringilla felis. Nullam maximus nisi nec mi facilisis.


Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Morbi ut blandit risus. Donec mollis nec tellus et rutrum. Orci varius natoque penatibus et magnis dis parturient montes, nascetur ridiculus mus. Ut consequat quam a purus faucibus scelerisque. Mauris ac dui ante. Pellentesque congue porttitor tempus. Donec sodales dapibus urna sed dictum. Duis congue posuere libero, a aliquam est porta quis.

Donec ullamcorper magna enim, vitae fermentum turpis elementum quis. Interdum et malesuada fames ac ante ipsum primis in faucibus.

Curabitur vel sem mi. Proin in lobortis ipsum. Aliquam rutrum tempor ex ac rutrum. Maecenas nunc nulla, placerat at eleifend in, viverra etos sem. Nam sagittis lacus metus, dignissim blandit magna euismod eget. Suspendisse a nisl lacus. Phasellus eget augue tincidunt, sollicitudin lectus sed, convallis desto. Pellentesque vitae dui lacinia, venenatis erat sit amet, fringilla felis. Nullam maximus nisi nec mi facilisis.